GhostDex Testnet is live

1 min readJul 14, 2021

The GhostDex testnet is live at!

All of the team’s efforts so far have been leading up to this moment. Today is not only an important milestone for the Ghost team and community, but it also marks the last step of our roadmap before our official Mainnet launch.

As we steam ahead towards our mainnet release, we feel that open communication is critical to optimizing the value of our testnet.

We need your help to test the platform and review the code so we can incorporate this feedback into our mainnet release. If you run into any difficulties with the UI or find something unintuitive, let us know! Even if you had a great experience, let us know what you liked about it!

The main goals of this version are:

1- Let everyone test the platform — all of them.
2- Find bugs in UI or smart contracts
3- Get feedback from the community

To participate, you must fill form and join our telegram chanel!

Form’s link

Telegram Group’s

Testnet Rewards pool is 10M $GDEX, each successful participant will receive $200 worth of gdex and 1 Ghost NFT

Participation will end on July 20 testnet will start from July 21

